铝格栅吊顶是在早期吊顶品种较具有创意的品种,它是具有较富创建性的进步,铝格栅吊顶的规格有多种,不同的规格有不同的铝格栅价格。现在由建威铝格栅厂家给您详细介绍铝格栅。 Aluminum grille ceiling is the most innovative variety in the early days of ceiling, it is the most creative progress, aluminum grille ceiling specifications are many, different specifications have different aluminum grille prices. Now, The Jianwei aluminum grille manufacturers gives you detailed description of the aluminum grille. 铝格栅吊顶的规格: aluminum grille ceiling specifications 宽度:10mm ?高度:30 mm 35mm 40mm?50 mm? Width: 10mm height: 30 mm 35mm 50 mm 40mm 宽度:15mm ?高度:50 mm 60mm 80mm 90 mm ?100mm 110mm 120 mm?? Width: 15mm height:50 mm 60mm 80mm 90 mm ?100mm 110mm 120 mm?? 宽度:10mm ?高度:50 mm 60mm 70mm?80mm 90 mm ?100mm 110mm 120 mm? Width:10mm ?height:50 mm 60mm 70mm?80mm 90 mm ?100mm 110mm 120 mm? 铝格栅的应用和优点: Application and advantages of aluminium grille: 铝格栅主副龙骨纵横分布,层次分明、立体感强、造型新颖、防火、通风好,并且造价低、加工周期短、加工难度小、尺寸多样、型材平整度好、安装损耗小。还有很多用途,广泛应用于大型商场、酒吧、候车室、机场、地铁等场站,大方美观。 The main keel aluminum grille is horizontal distribution, clear, strong sense of three-dimensional, novel modeling, fire resistant , good ventilation, and low cost, short processing cycle, low processing difficulty, various sizes, good flatness and profile installation loss. There are many Applications.They widely used in large shopping malls, bars, waiting rooms, airports, subways and other stations.They are generous and beautiful. 佛山建威铝格栅厂家是专业生产和销售铝扣板吊顶,如果您想了解更多铝格栅产品,请点击登录建威官网 Foshan Jian Wei aluminum grille factory is specialized in the production and sale aluminum grille ceiling, if you want to know more about the aluminum grille production, please click on the website.