铝扣板作为一种新型材料,它被运用得越来越广泛,所以铝扣板吊顶现在成为建材装饰材料的“宠妃”。铝扣板吊顶安装效果怎么样?建威铝扣板吊顶安装效果给你做个示范,这样你就可以在铝扣板吊顶和塑料吊顶之间做出正确的选择。 As a new kind of material, aluminum gusset is used more and more widely, so aluminum gusset ceiling is now the "pet concubine" of building materials decoration materials. What about the installation effect of aluminum gusset ceiling?I will give you a demonstration of Jianwei’ the installation effect of the aluminum gusset ceiling so that You can make the right choice between the aluminum gusset ceiling and the plastic ceiling. 一、铝扣板吊顶 一、aluminum gusset ceiling 铝扣板吊顶是适合于厨房、卫生间、餐厅、客厅、过道吊顶用途的装饰材料。目前,铝扣板吊顶已经成为家装整个工程中不可缺少的材料之一。 The ceiling of aluminium gusset plate is suitable for kitchen, toilet, dining-room, sitting room, corridor condole top use adornment material. At present, aluminum gusset ceiling has become one of the indispensable materials in the whole project 二、铝扣板吊顶优点: 二、Advantages of aluminum gusset ceiling: 1、具有非常出色的耐腐蚀性,抵御各种油烟、潮湿环境,抗紫外线。 1. Have excellent corrosion resistance, resist all kinds of lampblack, wet environment and ultraviolet radiation. 2、环保,无毒无味,抗静电,不吸尘,易请洗、硬度高,防火,不粘污渍。 2, environmental protection, non-toxic and odorless, antistatic, non-vacuuming, easy to wash, hardness high, fire prevention, not sticky stain 3、成本低,使用寿命更长,且不易老化下沉、变色变形。 3. The cost is low, the service life is longer, and it is not easy to age and sink and change color. 4、档次高,能与瓷砖、卫浴、厨柜容易形成统一的风格。 4, the class is high, can be easy to form unified style with ceramic tile, bathroom, hutch ark 5、铝扣板吊顶具有良好的防潮、防油污、阻燃特性,运输便捷,使用方便的特点,它以其美观、大方的个性受到众多业主青睐。 5. Aluminum gusset ceiling has good moisture-proof, anti-pollution, flame retardant characteristics, convenient transportation and convenient use. It is favored by many owners with its beautiful and generous personality 三、塑料扣板吊顶 三、plastic ceiling PVC扣板也就是我们常常见到的塑料扣板,塑料扣板质量轻、易老化、寿命低,塑料扣板也适合做厨房、卫生间的吊顶装饰。但是比起铝扣板吊顶,塑料扣板吊顶显得就稍逊一筹了。 PVC gusset plate also is what we often see plastic gusset plate, plastic gusset plate quality is light, easy ageing, life is low, plastic gusset plate also suits to make kitchen, toilet condole top adornment. But compared to aluminum gusset top, plastic gusset to condole top appears slightly inferior 四、塑料扣板吊顶缺点: 四、Disadvantages of plastic gusset ceiling 1、塑料材质的普遍缺点就是物理性能不够稳定,所以关键的问题就在于,即便塑料扣板不遇水时间长了也会变形。 1. The common disadvantage of plastic materials is that the physical performance is not stable enough, so the key problem is that even if the plastic plate doesn't meet the water time, it will become deformed 2、塑料扣板老化速度快,容易变色、使用寿命较短。 2. The plastic gusset plate is aging fast, easy to change color and the service life is shorter. 3、塑料扣板环保性较低,废弃的PVC扣板难以处理,对环境造成污染,如果带有强烈刺激性气味的PVC扣板,则对身体有害。 3. The plastic gusset plate is less environmentally friendly, and the discarded PVC buckles are difficult to handle, causing pollution to the environment, and if the PVC gusset with a strong pungent smell is harmful to the body. 终上所述,塑料扣板吊顶时间久了容易老化、变色,且耐高温性不好,而铝扣板吊顶刚好弥补了这些缺点,所以铝扣板吊顶成为装饰材料界的“宠妃”也是正常的。 Given all this, plastic gusset plate condole top easy ageing, long period of time change color, and high temperature resistance is bad, and aluminous gusset plate ceiling just to make up for these disadvantages, so the aluminous gusset plate ceiling become adornment material world "bestowed favor" is normal.